The Ghost Writer Directed by Roman Polanski, R.P Productions (2010) and starring Ewan McGregor, Jon Bernthal, Pierce Brosnan and James Belushi.
This film was an enticing thriller that took me on the journey of a writer(Ewan McGregor) who is called up to take the place of another writer, who mysteriously dies. Pierce Brosnan's character-Adam Lang is an ex-U.S President who has written his memoirs with the help of a Ghost Writer.Ewan McGregor's character finds himself in the middle of a conspiracy that he cannot escape. As most thriller's go this one kept me guessing till the end.
The concept of this film was amazing, although it did scare me a little, about becoming a ghost writer!
As films go this one was slow to start but the twist in the end was not what I was expecting. So if you like thrillers than see this film. For all those writers who are contemplating becoming a ghost writer; although fictitious, this could put a damper on those dreams.
Just a question: Could you write a memoir of 624 pages in two weeks?
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