Tuesday, June 14, 2011

'Tweaking Those Words'

What I find interesting about being a writer is trying to find new words for those ones that creep into your writing. You know those ones that you always use and somehow think are okay. It is not until you get someone else to look at it for you (it has big red marks from the red pen corrections) that you realise you need to change them.

I have been trying to edit a story which includes a lot of repetitions. It has been workshopped and I looked at it and thought, 'why didn't I pick that up?' It obviously takes a new set of eyes to find those silly mistakes that annoy you. I am getting there now but I hope after changing a quarter of my text, that it still works. I want it to engage the reader and leave them with a thought or two.

Trusting in my ability as an editor  is another story. I find that I am a writer not so much an editor, but I feel that I miss many corrections because I get so involved in the story. I must remember to slow down and take the time to perfect my craft.

Tweaking those words that somehow appear in my writing is a job worth doing well, so I need to take the time to edit and re-edit my work.

I am sure I will still miss the obvious!